Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Teacher Days

Staff Handbooks:

The big ones:

7:45 to 4:45:  Up until 730, please put it into Easy School App.  Text Heather as well if it's in the morning.  Emergencies:  call asap.


Duty of Care:
1. Was a duty owed?
2. Was the duty neglected?
3. Was there actual harm?
4. Was there a relationship between the harm and the behavior of the educator?

Hallways during passing periods, please!

If you eat with your students in the cafeteria, lunch is on us.

PIR Days:  42 hours
                   30 provided

Movies!  G Movies can be played.  PG with permission slips.  PG-13 (HS only, with permission slips.  No rated R movies without Board Approval.


Turn to a partner and discuss the educational implications (pitfalls) of using blame in our classrooms.


Turn to a different partner and discuss the why empathy is a necessity in schools.
