Thursday, February 26, 2015
Entrance Music/video:
Pirate Code:
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Ready
This Week’s Theme:
Curiosity and Creativity
Did You Know?
From the Galley
Chicken Sandwich,
Sliced Cucumbers,
This Week in Victor
Thursday 26
Friday 27
- SKI PE MS/HS 7:30am – 4:00pm
- Teacher Inservice 8-12
Tony Incashola a Salish Elder from Pablo will be telling Coyote Stories March 8th @ 3pm @ The River Street Dance Theater on 2nd Street in Hamilton. He will be telling how the Valley was created and probably about the medicine tree. These stories can only be told when the snow is on the Mountain so they won't be told again until next winter.
Sign up by March 3rd
March 9th-11th Rehearsals
March 12th Elementary 6:30
March 13th MS & HS 6:30
PS John Wilson and company will be participating!!!!
BPA members- PAY your hotel fee $88 by March 2
March 20th
- Details to follow
From the counseling office:
Rotary Leadership Camp July 14 through July 18, 2015
This is for students interested in leadership
Applications Open to this year’s freshman class
There is no charge to attend RYLA! But, there is a limit to how many can participate…
The Rotary Club of Hamilton will be conducting interviews and awarding Conference scholarship(s). APPLY EARLY!
Applications due by April 1st
More info in the counseling office.
If you are working on the Montana Junior Duck Stamp competition, there is a little paperwork to complete before the work is delivered. See Mrs. Ogden for details.
Yearbook needs your photos! Deadline: March 5
Bus is running THIS Saturday Feb. 28th.
- Cost is $5 (tix = $21 for 12 and under; $26 for 12 and over)
- Coldsmoke will be taking place!
- Bus leaves Victor at 8:00am, Returns about 5:30 (bus leaves LT at 4:40)
- questions: talk to Mr. Pearson or Facebook page or
- Need 20 riders to keep bus running past this weekend!
Also, Victor Ski PE will be returning at 5:30! We will be staying until closing, as requested by students! Let your parents know now if they are picking you up!
Pirates do Great at Winter Olympics.
3 Golds
2 Silvers
1 Bronze
Go Pirates!
Other Announcements ??
Exit Music: