Entrance music:
Good morning Pirates-
Today is Thursday, April 27, 2017
Thinking Thursday
This Week’s Theme is
Brought to you by the HS Play
From The Galley:
Chicken Gravy over Rice,
Dinner Roll,
Steamed Carrots,
This Week In Victor:
Thursday 27
Friday 28
- MS Track @ Corvallis 9AM. Bus leaves at 8:00
Saturday 29
- HS Track @ Corvallis 10AM. Bus leaves at 9AM. Yellow
Congratulations to Mrs. Taylor. She wrote a mini-grant to AtoZ personnel and was awarded $200 to spend on lifetime sports activities for our HPE program.
Counseling Office News: BEAR Summer Camps: the info is here! Check out info on the skateboarding camp for grades 5-12, the hiking and rafting camp for grades 6-8, and the backpacking camp for grades 6-9. Pick up a brochure in the counseling office. Scholarships are available for students who can’t afford the fee.
Seniors, reminder from the handbook: All seniors wishing to participate in graduation ceremonies must be passing all required classes by May 4 (midterm).
FFA News: If you are taking an animal to the Ravalli County Fair pay close attention to this information:
You are REQUIRED to do quality assurance through the extension office if you want to participate and sell an animal. There are only two classes left.
June 2nd (Friday) -Cowpoke Ranch Supply @6pm
The rules say that you are required to take a class before the age 14 and after you turn 14. If you need help knowing if you need to take a class come talk to Ms. Tintzman
The 8th grade class is selling homemade Bath Salts and Sugar Scrubs for Mother’s Day (or other) gifts. Please see an 8th grade student to pre-order them. They will be delivered the week before Mother’s day, and a limited number will be available for purchase in the lunchroom that week.
$8 for both
The play’s the thing.
The greatest thinkers/philosophers will help bring The Skin of Our Teeth to a dramatic conclusion. In the meantime, they will play the world’s greatest football game.
Listen carefully…
(this one’s for you, Mr. Arvish)
Other Announcements???????????
Ms. Peltier will be asking students and teachers about the Pirate Code this week. Please brush up on your Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be Respectful. (4/25,26,27)
Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Exit Music: