Entrance Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YS8YP7mtNss
Today is Monday, April 30, 2018
This Week’s Theme is:
Fun and Excitement
Confucius say:
Monday, April 30, today
- 9:30 – 11am SBAC 6th Grade
- 6:30 – 7:30pm FFA Chapter Meeting
Tuesday, May 1
- MT CDE Days Big Timber FFA
- 9:30 – 11am SBAC 6th grade
- 9:30-1:10 SBAC 7th and 8th grades
- 12 – 6pm HS Track Meet Top I P'Burg
- 5 – 9pm Tutoring
Wednesday, May 2
- 8am – 4:30pm Special Olympics
- 9 – 10am Kindergarten Roundup
- 9:30-1:10 SBAC 7th and 8th grades
- 4:30 – 5:30pm HS Volleyball Open Gym
- 5 – 9pm Tutoring
Thursday, May 3
- 8am – 4:30pm Special Olympics
- 3:30 – 6:30pm HS Track Corvallis JV Invite
- 5 – 9pm Tutoring
- MS Student Council Movie Night
- 7:00 movie TBA
Friday, May 4
- 8:45am – 3pm Farm Fair 4th grade
- 9am – 5pm MS Track Meet Vic/Dar/LRock
- @ Corvallis
Saturday, May 5
- 10am – 5pm HS Track SSHS
How to Find A Career You Love:
Ted Talks- Scott Dinsmore.
Play to 12:00 min
High Points:
- What was the worst advise Scott ever received?
- A smile will always return to you
- It’s all about building your resume
- Work should be enjoyable
- Pursue your dreams
- How many people do not enjoy their work?
- 20%
- 50%
- 80%
- 100%
- What kind of work did Scott desire?
- Work he couldn’t not do
- Work he had already done
- Work that made him rich
- Work that helped people
- What is the first step of Scott’s three step framework?
- Listen to what other people say about you
- Finding what our unique strengths are
- Don’t listen to your heart
- Understand finances
- Our values represent the framework for making decision>
- True
- False
- The third step is our experiences. What are experiences?
- What we are good at, what we are bad at
- Financial security
- Self-preservation
- Play hard
French Fries, Pickles, Oranges |
Beef Vegetable
Soup, Dinner Roll, Fruit, Cookie |
Chili Haystacks,
Salsa, Fruit, Jello |
Chicken Fried
Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Fruit |
Yearbook Announcements
We are looking for pictures of the following:
- Senior baby pictures
Heads up! Yearbook supplies running low!
Only 1* more yearbook orders to reach the top tier of the Yearbook Rewards!
Guatemala Trip Students, Meeting at Lunch!
Counseling Office News: (don’t erase)
The Students Rebuild “Facing Differences”
A social justice fundraiser. See Mrs. Ogden soon!
Victor School in the News:
Yearbook Announcements
- Still need baby pictures for Senior Slideshow.
- Thanks to those folks who have already brought theirs in to us.
Heads up!
Only 1 more yearbook orders to reach the top tier of the Yearbook Rewards!
Yes, you really do get a water gun fight. On the football field. In June. It’s gonna be great.
Mrs. Taylor’s Health Schedule This Week -
NOTE the changes due to guest speakers and such.
NOTE the changes due to guest speakers and such.
May 1, Tuesday - Period 2 has health
May 2, Wednesday - Period 1 has health
May 3, Thursday - Period 5 has health
Mr. Gulman, come on down!
Other Announcements???????????
Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.