Quote of the day:
Victor School collected 316 lbs this last week for the food pantry! Thanks to all classes who paticipated this week. A special thanks to Mrs. Kings class for collecting 94 lbs, Mrs. Peltier's class who collected 60 lbs, and Mrs. Davis's class who collected 50 lbs! Mrs. Montague's class and Mrs. Lane's classes were not far behind. What a great first week, thanks to all who made it a success!
The HS Student Council has decided to promote a festive atmosphere here at school by sponsoring a door decorating contest. Their will be 3 $25.00 prizes given to the winning classrooms. The theme is children's books about winter or Christmas. We will be judging the doors next Monday, December 10th. Let me know if you have any questions.
Tuesday 4
- My Voice Survey 8:30
- MSBBB Stevi (H) 5:30 PM
Wednesday 5
- My Voice Survey 8:30
- Careers field trip To Hamilton 9 AM
Thursday 6
- Pep Assembly 8:10
- My Voice Survey 8:30
- HSBB Charlo (H) 2:30 PM BGGB
- End of Mid Quarter 2
Friday 7
Saturday 8
- Wrestling Meet at Hamilton 9 AM
The Pirate Code
in the
Be Respectful
- Smile, and try your best to be and look positive
Be Responsible
- Follow the Dress Code
Be Ready
- Be in you seat and ready to work when the bell rings
Did you know that the Varsity Volleyball team had a combined GPA of 3.33 and the Football team had a combined GPA of 3.22? Impressive!
Video of My Country, Ecuador, from Carlos Luis Meza! A glimpse into Ecuador!!
Video of My Country, Ecuador, from Carlos Luis Meza! A glimpse into Ecuador!!
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