Good Morning!!!!!
Way to go Victor Art Students and Mrs. Ogden!!!
I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!!
Quote of the Day:
A day at the beach!
Cheering on your team!
Having dinner with your friends!
An intimate date.
A visit to the museum.
Einstein, one more time:
Today's Lunch:
Toasted Ham &
Cheese Sandwich,
Cucumber Slices,
Mandarin Oranges,
Blueberry Pudding
*Fresh Fruit/Veggies
Victor FFA!!!! You absolutely know how to throw a banquet. Great work! Be sure to thank your teacher, Ms. Rothe, when you get the opportunity. You FFA students rock!! And great work on that auction! Holy Cow! Way to rake in the big bucks!
We would love to post information/results from the following events, so if you have info let us know!
MS Track
HS Track (District's)
Rodeo at Deer Lodge
This week (okay, the next two days):
Tuesday 14
- Special Olympics State Games Billings
- MS Track Stevi/Florence invite at Corvallis. 9:00 AM Bus leaves at 7:55
- Map Testing 8:10-4:15
- School Board Meeting 7-9 PM
A message for you to share with your Moms for Mother's Day from Kid President.
Other announcements?
Students, with the weather so nice, the limits are being pushed on the dress code. Let's be responsible and respectful with what we are wearing to school. FYI there is no 3" rule for tank tops!
V. Dress
A. Personal appearance is primarily the
responsibility of the parent/guardian and the student. The mode of dress for Victor students
shall be based on safety, sanitation, modesty and good taste.
B. The following are NOT proper dress unless
specifically authorized by the administration:
1. Spaghetti tops, halter tops, tank tops, bare
midriff clothing or transparent shirts
2. Clothing and accessories, including jewelry,
wristband, hats etc., with offensive or suggestive sayings
a. Students
may not wear clothing which promotes drugs, alcohol or tobacco products, or any
clothing which has sexual connotations.
3. Clothing which is torn or dirty as determined
by the administration
C. Restrictions
1. Shoes must be worn at all times and they must
be appropriate for the class (i.e. PE, shop, etc.).
2. Shorts are acceptable to wear to school, under
the following conditions:
a. Shorts and skirts are to be at least
fingertip in length.
3. Hats* will be removed upon entering the
building during school hours. *Hats
include hoods, stocking caps, scarves, and any head covering deemed
inappropriate by the administration.
4. Backpacks must be left in lockers.
Pledge of Allegiance