Quote of the Day:
Email from Jeff Ralston to Mr. Pearson this morning:
8:00 PM (10 hours ago)
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I took my kids to the southgate mall today and saw the Victor art display. it was incredible. if you need to impress anyone, I would take them over there.
Jeff Ralston, Principal
Brockton Public Schools
Brockton, Montana
Brockton Public Schools
Brockton, Montana
Let's give a nice round of applause to Ms. Ogden and all of the Victor Art Students!!! Way to represent!
Now, who do we need to impress.....
Today's Lunch:
Fish Sandwich,
Macaroni Salad,
Carrot Sticks,
Fruit Combo
-Salad Bar-
*Fresh Fruit/Veggies
A blood drive will be held in the gym on Tuesday, May 7, from 11-4. If you are 16 and older, you can donate. However, if you are 16 or 17, you need a parent's consent. Please think about donating. For details, please see Mrs. Lyngstad.
Don't miss out on the memories! It's not too late to order a yearbook. Cost is $45 and you can reserve yours with just $20 down and pay the rest when they arrive at school. See any yearbook member or Mrs. Taylor to order.
Friday May 3
-Pep Club Bake Sale Victor Bank 9:00 a.m. Volunteers are needed to help sell baked goods and Pirate Gear. Please see Ms. Anderson if interested. It will be fun!
Wednesday 1
Thursday 2- IWFF/Art Field Trip 8-4
- 7th Grade to Wildlife Film Festival 8-4
- 10th Grade Field Trip Film Festival 9:45-4
- 8th grade transition 1-2
- Drivers Ed Begins room B after school
- 7th grade Bitterroot Career Fair 10:15-12:15
- HS Track at Corvallis JV Meet 3:00PM Bus leaves at 2:00PM
- FFA Taco feed 5-8
- Parent Teacher Conference 5-8
- MS Track at Corvallis. Victor/Darby/Lone Rock invite 9:00 AM Bus leaves at 7:55
- State Solo and Ensemble
- Pep Club Bake Sale at Victor Bank: food donations welcome : )
And we have a video of our Victor Pirates team competing at Special Olympics! Thank you, Mrs. Jaquith for providing it!
Other announcements???
Pledge of Allegiance
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