It is Mrs. Lyngstad's Birthday today. She is 39.
Today's Lunch:
Chili Mac,
Mixed Veggies,
Mandarin Orange
*Fresh Fruit/Veggies
"If you miss a final, you must have a medical excuse, otherwise you take a zero." Ms. Bradt. And she means it!
Sixth grade field trip tomorrow to Blodgett Canyon.
HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT in Darby this Saturday. Please be at the Darby High School Gym at 8:30. See Mr. Huls for more details.
8th Grade Promotion today at 3:00. After that, we will see 8th graders next year as Freshmen.
5th Grade is going on an overnight camping trip to Lake Como. Stay dry, be nice to Mrs. Montague, and get some sleep!
Victor High School Football Camp will continue today and tomorrow from 4:30-6:30. See Mr. Howell for details.
Remember: Finals are coming up. Take them seriously. New standards for eligibility are in place and you will be held accountable!!!
Basketball practice on Thursday, June 6, at 7:00 pm. This is for Boys who are planning on playing in tournaments this summer. Be there. Or Matt Kittel will find you.
New Seniors in action......

And, to quote Forrest Gump, "That's all we're going to say about that....."
Other announcements:
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