Quote of the Day:
Keep working!!
Speaking of working, our kitchen ladies work very hard to prepare nice meals for you. It's not easy to cook for Kindergarten through Seniors, but they do. Eat your free breakfast and enjoy your lunches. Make sure they know they are appreciated!
Today's Lunch:
Tomato Soup,
Toasted Ham &
Cheese Sandwich,
-Salad Bar-
Africa's highest peak is snow-covered Mount Kilimanjaro located in Tanzania. It rises 19,000 feet above sea level and is a beautiful dormant volcano. What isn't so beautiful is that small villages in Tanzania lack fresh water which has to be carried on foot up to 5 miles, usually by women and children.
Victor Earth Science Classes, along with a few 7th graders, visited the art room to make magazine paper beads for a Students Rebuild Fundraiser to provide fresh water for villages in Tanzania. For every 30 beads made by a student, money is donated to provide a villager in Tanzania with fresh water for an entire year. Beads are traditionally a form of currency in many African nations and their unique patterns transmit cultural meaning. Check in with Mr. Beckwith or Mrs. Ogden if you would like to contribute to the Fresh Water Challenge. Be the change!
High School students: The University of Montana's Foreign Language Day is Friday, February 28. Cost is $14. Van ride from Victor. Deadline for payment-registration is Monday February 2nd. Interested persons see Ms. Anderson for paperwork please.
BPA Members- The $45 state registration fee is due February 3.
BPA Members- Torch Awards meeting today during lunch.
Wednesday 29
Thursday 30 - Lost Trail Winter Olympics
- HSBB vs Two Eagle River (H) 2:30 PM BGGB
- 1:00 p.m. Travel Club Bake Sale at Farmer's Bank: all students are welcome to help at afternoon event and also with any yummies you can create : ) Thanks!
- HSBB vs Lincoln (H) 4:00 PM BBG
- Nothing----Or WAIT!!!!
The Lone Rock Ski bus will be in the Cowboy Troy's Parking Lot at 8:00 a.m. to take you to Lost Trail for a day of Powder Bliss!!! Banked Slalom races happening on Saturday!! Snow coming this week!!!! Get your boards waxed....
February 2:
February 2:
- Superbowl
Any other announcements??
Pledge of Allegiance
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