Entrance Music:
Monday, March 16th, 2015
Pirate Code: Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Ready
This Week’s Theme:
Leadership & Responsibility
From the Galley
Beanie Weenies,
Baby Carrots,
This Week in Victor
Monday 16
- CRT Testing
- It’s Our School Too. Play Practice 4:15 on the stage
Tuesday 17
- CRT testing
- It’s Our School Too. Play Practice 4:15 on the stage
Wednesday 18
- CRT Testing
- It’s Our School Too. Play Practice 4:15 on the stage
- Purchase tickets at lunch for HAT DAY on Thursday
Thursday 19
- MSGBB Vs Valley (A) 5:00 Bus leaves at 3:30
- HAT DAY!!!!!
- It’s Our School Too, performing in Dillon Vans leave at 7:00 AM
Friday 20
- MSGBB Vs St, Joe's (A) 4:00. Bus leave at 2:30
- HS Prom 7PM
Saturday 21
- MS Prom 6:30
March 20th 7:00 p.m.
Grand March: 7:30 p.m.
Prom Tickets at the door: Couple $45.00 Single: $30.00.
Pre-Sale Ticket Discount: Couple $35.00 Single $25.00.
Tickets will be on sale during lunch starting next week.
Middle School Dance- March 21 6-9 in the gym
Mrs. Taylor has prom dresses for sale. Reasonable prices! No, they are NOT from the 80’s. See her if interested.
Seniors are raffling off a $50 gift card. $5 for 1 or $20 for 5 tickets. Drawing to be held March 19th at Ethos. Seniors all tickets - sold & unsold to be returned March 18th.
Congratulations to the following students who had their work printed in the Ravalli Republic NIE Contest:
Editorials: Carly Conley, Garrett Skillingstad, Ryan Lewis, Ruby Sage, Wendell Elliott, Michaela Portner, Gage Kottke, Casey Dolon
Stories: Jordi Bowcutt, June Chaffin, Keanna Hodges, Deign Allred, Allison Rich, Garrett Skillingstad
Seniors interested in running for prom royalty see Mrs. Taylor today! (Homecoming king and queen are not eligible.)
Driver's Education starts on April 27th 4:30-6:30pm. Must be 14 1/2 years old by May 1, 2015 and fees paid in full. Fees are $235.00. Sign up at District Office and pay fees there too. |
HAT DAY on Thursday! Remember to purchase your tickets at lunch for $2.00 to wear a hat on Thursday. To sweeten the deal, we are adding in a freshly baked cookie!!! Support the Special Olympics Fans in the Stands bus!
Other Announcements ??
Wear Green Tomorrow!!!!
Exit Music:
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