Entrance music:
Thursday, October 13, 2016
It is Thoughtful Thursday!
Hope your Homecoming/Spirit Week Celebration is terrific!
Remember the class with the most people dressed up throughout the week wins a cool prize.
Okay, so this pirate has a parrot that swears like a sailor!!! The parrot can swear for 5 minutes straight without repeating himself. The trouble is, the pirate is pretty conservative and the bird is getting on his nerves.
One day, it gets to be too much for the pirate. He grabs the bird by the throat and yells at him to “Quit it”, which angers the bird even more and he swears worse than ever! The pirate locks him up, but it seems like the bird is going to destroy the cage, so the pirate finally puts him in the freezer!
The pirate gets worried and opens up the freezer door. At first the bird seems upset, but then it calmly climbs up onto the pirate’s outstretched sleeve and says, “Awfully sorry about the trouble I gave you. I’ll try to do better next time and, by the way, what did the chicken do?”
Here’s some footage of some of mystery people practicing their dance moves…
A big THANK YOU to all the Movie People who dressed up on Tuesday. WHAT IS THIS SURGEON DOING????? What movie is this?
(Gagging Pirate overcomes fear of needles in time for today’s blood drive).
Need another cooking lesson?
From the galley:
Chicken Fajitas
Refried Beans,
Jello W/Fruit
Potato Salad,
-Salad bar-
Spaghetti W/Meat Sauce,
Garlic Toast,
-Salad bar-
Chicken Drumstick,
Tater Tots,
Cucumber Slices,
Orange Wedges
Counseling Office News: (please don’t erase)
Thursday, Oct. 13th
Appointment Times: 10:00 - 2:15
MS Student Council: See Ms. Lynch ASAP to sign up for shifts.
The Ravalli Electric Co-op is sponsoring the Youth Tour to Washington D.C.
If you are interested please see Ms. Arechaga.
Thursday 13
- Blue and Gold Day
- Blood Drive 8-3:30PM
- School Pep Assembly 3:50
- MS/HS Parent teacher Conference 5-7PM
- MSVB Vs Lone Rock (H) 5PM
- Homecoming activities and Bonfire. 7PM
Friday 14
- MSVB Vs Drummond (A) 3PM. Bus leaves at 12:00. Yellow
- HSVB VS Seeley (H) 4PM 3 Games. Senior Night. Pink Out Game
- MSFB Vs Darby 4PM Bus leaves at 3PM. Yellow
Saturday 15
Homecoming Parade 11:00
HSFB Vs Darby (H) 1PM
HSVB Vs Darby (H) 4PM. 3 Games
Homecoming Spirit Days!!!
Thursday: Blue & Gold Day
Homecoming Theme: Be very quiet, we’re hunting tigers!
- Officer pics are scheduled for Sunday October 16th @11:00am. We will take the photos at the Tintzman Ranch before we leave for the NILE.
- We will be leaving Stevensville on Sunday October 16th @ 2:00pm for the NILE. Make sure you bring food $ and OD. Students attending are: Taylor Seppel, Cassidy B, Emma D, Madison Bahr, Raymond R, Wyatt D, Alexis S, Cameron S, Daven W
- Remember to bring a bake sale item on Friday.
- FFA Float decorating will be at Taylor Shackleford’s house on Friday @ 11:00am. Find Taylor for directions
- If a FFA jacket was ordered for you please bring in your money to Ms.Tintzman. ASAP
- Madison Bahr -$50
- Emma Day-$50
- Ian Brown-$50
- Cassidy Buchanan-$50
- Taylor Seppel-$75
- Ashley Hopper-$50
- Teasha Johnson-$50
- Lilly Challinor-$50
- Alexis Scichilone-$50
- Shelbi Harberts-$50
- Cameron Stewart-$50
- Daven Woodard-$80
Stay warm this winter!! The Juniors are raffling off a cord of wood, $5/ticket, $20/ 5 tickets!!!!!! The ticket will be drawn on Homecoming!
Want to be as cool as Shakespeare? That’s not Shakespeare!
Now for Sale in the Library
White Sizes: Youth Small to Adult 2X $10
Yellow Sizes: Adult Small to 2X $12
Transfer Only (bring your own garment) $4
Thank you for supporting Victor Drama and your Pirates!
Pep Club members meet with Mrs. Taylor after your lunch on Thursday to haul the wood to the bonfire.
Senior royalty candidates meet Mrs. Taylor in the park behind the bank on Saturday at 10 am to get your pictures taken before the parade.
Remember classes with the most participation in spirit week will win a prize at the pep assembly.
School picture retakes will be Oct. 20th from 3-6 pm and Oct 21st from 9 am-5 pm at Images by Stephen in Hamilton. Call 363-2622 for more information.
High School Science Olympiad Meeting
Friday, October 14, 2:00pm, Mr Bruner’s room
Other Announcements???????????
One last video...
“Hoist the Colors”
Have an awesome week, Pirates!
Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance:
Exit Music Video filmed at the Holi Festival in Spanish Forks, Utah:
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