Entrance music:
Good Morning Pirates!
Today is Tuesday!! It is November 29, 2016!
This week’s theme is Spirit of Adventure!!!!
From the galley:
Salad bar
Taco Stew
Tortilla Chips
Salad Bar
December 1st!!!
Egg Patty
Sausage Link
Potato Triangle
Monday 28
Tuesday 29
- Student Council Meeting after school!
- Feminist Club meeting at lunch!
Wednesday 30
Thursday 1
- MSBBB Vs Hamilton (H) 5:00
Friday 2
- MSBBB Vs P'Burg (A) 3:00. Bus leaves at 12:00.Yellow
Saturday 3
- MSBBB Vs Darby (A) 10:00. Bus leaves at 9AM. Yellow
Counseling Office News: (please don’t erase) Highlands College of Montana Tech will be here on Tuesday, Nov. 29th to visit with interested Juniors or Seniors. Make arrangements with your 3rd period teacher. The rep. Will be here at 11:00.
This year’s Foreign Language Day at the University of Montana is scheduled for Friday March 3, 2017. The cost is $20 per student and there is pre-registration open now to secure a spot but the schedule to sign up will not be available until January. If you are interested in attending or finding out more about it please come to Ms. Egelston’s room at lunch this Thursday!
How far would you go for the spirit of adventure??
This is Sir Edmund Hillary, he is often credited as the first man to summit Mt. Everest in 1953. He gained his sense of adventure as a young boy. On his way to school he had a long train ride and fell in love with reading and would day dream about travelling. However, he couldn’t have accomplished his ultimate adventure without this person...
Adventure Poem!
Pirate Story
-Robert Louis Stevenson
Three of us afloat in the meadow by the swing,
Three of us abroad in the basket on the lea.
Three of us abroad in the basket on the lea.
Winds are in the air, they are blowing in the spring,
And waves are on the meadow like the waves there are at sea.
Where shall we adventure, to-day that we're afloat,
Wary of the weather and steering by a star?
Shall it be to Africa, a-steering of the boat,
To Providence, or Babylon or off to Malabar?
Hi! but here's a squadron a-rowing on the sea--
Cattle on the meadow a-charging with a roar!
Quick, and we'll escape them, they're as mad as they can be,
The wicket is the harbour and the garden is the shore.
ARGH ya ready for the Book Fair? It’s here!
Monday, Nov. 28 - Thursday, Dec. 1
7:30 am - 6:00 pm
Other Announcements???????????
Have an awesome week Pirates!
Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance:
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