Welcome Back, Pirates!!!
Let's give Mr. Beckwith and Mrs. Ogden a nice round of applause for managing a safe return with all our Seniors from their Senior Trip!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!
Today's Lunch will be:
Hot Dog,
Corn Chips,
Baby Carrots,
There will be an FFA Meeting Tuesday at Lunch in Ms. Rothe's room for both High School and Middle School Students. We will be voting on next years officer team. Bring your lunch we will see you there!
Remember how fun it was to go to the Fair grounds as a 4th grader and make ice cream at the Farm Fair?!? This is your chance to help other 4th graders make the same memories! The Farm Fair is from 8-4 this Friday! The FFA is looking for Volunteers to help. Talk to Ms. Rothe for more information.
9th grade students who sold flowers come see Ms. Anderson during lunch today please.
Remember how fun it was to go to the Fair grounds as a 4th grader and make ice cream at the Farm Fair?!? This is your chance to help other 4th graders make the same memories! The Farm Fair is from 8-4 this Friday! The FFA is looking for Volunteers to help. Talk to Ms. Rothe for more information.
9th grade students who sold flowers come see Ms. Anderson during lunch today please.
This week in Victor:
Monday 28
- 7th Grade Earth Stewardship Program 8:10
Tuesday 29
- 7th grade assembly 6th period 2:17
- HS Track Top 10 Track Meet @ Big Sky3:30P Bus leave at1:45P
- Congratulations to Zach Agee for qualifying in the long jump.
Wednesday 30
- 8th Grade Transition-Teenage drinking 8:30
- Ravalli 8th Grade Transition 12:30
Thursday 1
- Sr. Writing to Ft. Shaw 7:30 AM
- Art Mobil Montana all day
- 7th grade to Career Fair 10:00
Friday 2
- MS Track Darby/Victor/Lone Rock @Corvallis 9:00am Bus leaves at 7:45 AM
- HS Track RCIA (all)@ Corvallis 10:00A Bus leave at 8:45A
It's Spring: Go Float a River. Be safe, though. Like this....
That was the Zambezi River in Africa between Zambia and Zimbabwe. Those were commercial raft trips, so if you are ever in the area....it is a warm water river, which means make sure you are back in your raft by the end of the gorge or else you will have to deal with the crocodiles.
Other announcements?
Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

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