Quote of the Day:

Today's Lunch will be:
Egg/Cheese Omelet,
Sausage Links,
Potato Triangle,
Time is running out! Purchase your prom tickets from Ms. Lynch in the library. Also, purchase flashing shutter shades for $5.
If you are bringing an out-of-town guest to prom, you need to turn in the completed paperwork to Mr. Johnston for approval.
Middle school dance April 5 from 7-10 pm. Cost is $7 at the door. Dress is casual.
All juniors must have a grade of a C or better to be excused from class to decorate for prom.
Thursday 3
Friday 4- Jim Johnson Track meet at Dornblaser 10:00 Bus leaves at 8:00A
- Junior High Solo Ensemble
- End of 3rd Qtr
- Prom Decorating 2PM
- HS Prom
- Gene Hughes Track meet at Corvallis 9:00A Bus leave at7:45A
- JH prom
Gratitude: Grateful for what you have.
Other Announcements?
Pledge of Allegiance
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