Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Ready
Bathroom Etiquette
(Drive Video)
Go for the gold ticket without ever expecting one. Pay it forward.
From the galley:
Tater Tot Casserole, Applesauce, Cookie
Mandarin Oranges
-Salad Bar-
Hot Dog,
Corn Chips,
Fruit Cocktail
-Salad Bar-
Baby Carrots, Chocolate Cherry Pudding
This Week in Victor
Wednesday 9
- MS Disabilities assembly 2:30 MSRC
- HS Play Rehearsal 4:30-6:30
Thursday 10
- End of Trimester 2
- Respect Rally
- Parent Teacher Conferences 5:00-8:00PM
- HS Play Rehearsal 4:30-6:30
Friday 11
Saturday 12
- MSGBB Vs Florence (H) 9AM
- State BPA
Respect Week
The Montana Association of Language Teachers (MALT) needs a new LOGO!
The old logo is out of style!
Create a new logo that can be used digitally (jpg) for MALT and have your art seen all over the world!
Contest runs during World Language Week March 7-13, 2016
Turn in submissions to your foreign language teacher. See for more info!
Winner receives a $30 gift card to Barnes and Noble!
Yearbook needs your out of school activity pictures. Bring in your hockey, rodeo, archery, baseball, firefighting, basket weaving, yada, yada, yada pictures in!
From the Counseling Office: Seniors there are several scholarships that are due soon, including the Farmers State Bank Scholarship. An hour filling out an application can pay you hundreds of dollars!
The Dancing Queen Prom Studio is open again for prom season! They are located behind the Episcopal Church in Hamilton. The studio has several dresses and accessories for prom wear and there is no cost!
Walk-in hours: wednesday 3-6 pm, Saturday 11-3
Appointments for any other time can be made by calling 363-8637, or emailing
600 south 3rd
Behind Saint Paul's Episcopal
“We All Need Trees” Bitterroot Conservation District Poster Contest
See Mrs. Ogden
The amazing umbrella-shaped Dragon’s Blood Tree has a deep red sap that appears to bleed when sawn in half. An old Yemen legend tells of the origin of the name; an alleged battle between elephants and dragons. This magic tree can live to be as old as 300 years. (You will find Yemen on a map directly beneath Saudi Arabia).
Your deadline for the ATR Wild West art contest is March 17th (St. Patrick’s Day).
Middle School Students Bitterroot Culture Camp Deadline is March 15th!
Attend the Prom and you’ll have the world on a string----sittin’ on a rainbow. -Ol’ Blue Eyes
And now Mr. Wayne Newton (a Vegas Icon)
“I just wanted to take this opportunity to let you beautiful people out there know, Prom Tickets are now on sale during Lunch: $25.00 for singles, $35.00 for couples. See Mr. Gulman or Arianna Gleason for your passport to the festivities...Vegas Style! Donke Shoen, Darlings… Donke Shoen.”
Feminist Club meeting Thursday after school!
The following people need to meet Mrs. Taylor after Ethos: Christian Moevao, Ashley Rice, River Tucker, Deztani Johnson, Garritt Gleason, Riley McCarren
Bathroom Etiquette
(Drive Video)
Other announcements:
Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance
Exit music:
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