Entrance music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YB0i1yjK_dw
Thursday, April 27, 2016
Proudly brought to you by yearbook
"The horror of that moment," the King went on, "I shall never, never forget!"
"But you shall," the Queen said, "unless you make a (yearbook) of it."
-Lewis Carrol Through the Looking Glass
From the Counseling Office:
Students interested in attending a military academy like West Point, or the Air Force Academy should plan to attend to find out more information about the process to get into these academies. A student needs to have a recommendation from a congressional member as part of the application.
In Missoula
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Montana Armed Forces Reserve Center
9283 Running West Rd
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
I have had zero 8th graders bring me money for their class trip. I need to pay The Hub half of the total cost so I need you to bring me money in soon.
If you are considering running for an FFA officer position you can pick up your application packet from my desk. Your application packet along with your letter of recommendation needs to be turned into me by May 11th. Interviews will take place May 16th at 4:45pm. Officers will be announced at our banquet on May 19th. Any late applications will not be considered for positions. Even if you are not sure you want to run, I highly recommend going through the application process and interviews. It is good practice for future endeavors.
-Ms. Tintzman
Remember the PIRATE CODE:
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Ready
From the galley:
Chili Mac,
Fruit Combo,
Chicken Sandwich,
Potato Salad,
Baby Carrots,
Salad Bar
Sloppy Joe,
Orange Wedges
Salad Bar
Egg Roll,
Fried Rice,
Fortune Cookie
This Week in Victor:
Wednesday 27
- 8th Grade Transition activities
Thursday 28
Friday 29
- JH Track Florence/ Stevi Meet at Corvallis 9AM. Bus leaves at 8AM
- Teacher In-Service 9-Noon
Saturday 30
- HS Track RCIA Meet at Corvallis 10AM. Bus leaves at 8:15. Yellow
The following people have library books that were due in SEPTEMBER:
Jayce Hunter D. Logan Azia D.J.
The following people have library books that were due in OCTOBER:
David Sadie Jack
Ashley R. Taylor S. Sam
If you are interested in running for Student Council for next year, please please please come see Ms. Arechaga!!!!!!!! Applications are ready to be picked up and filled out. They are due next Monday! Do you want to have more dances? Do you want to be a voice for your peers? Do you have great ideas that you think will benefit the school? RUN FOR STUDENT COUNCIL!
Middle School Student Council meeting at lunch Thursday in Mr. Arvish’s room.
Yearbook trivia for you chance to win a coupon, will the following people come on down:
Audrey Olson
Tyler Cunningham
Hailey Kay
Dallas Baines
Other announcements: Because all juniors were present during the ACT’s and there is no need for make ups, all juniors may be dismissed 5 minutes early for lunch today! Great job, juniors!
Exit music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS6AtXY95e4