Tuesday May 3rd, 2016
Transformation Tuesday
Artists help to transform communities, allowing citizens to see their neighborhoods differently. Here is a slum, or “favela” in Rio de Janeiro re-imagined by 2 artists from Holland. Favelas are unplanned communities. The homeowners had their homes plastered and repainted for free and they got to help decide the overall art theme that the neighborhood would follow.
Santa Marta neighborhood in Brazil.
Artists who crowd-source ideas invite community members to take ownership of a shared vision. Here is an idea being done by Jodi Delaney, a school teacher at Broadwater Elementary in Helena, MT. She felt her students’ school yard looked like a war zone or prison yard with an ugly chain link fence. She created a project where students decorated tiny polycarbonate squares with sign vinyl and each piece will be wired to a cell in the chain link fence surrounding the school on “Broadwater Wire Day”, May 21st.
Community members were encouraged to make memorial tiles for all the present and past students at Broadwater Elementary, a very historic school near Carroll College. There are also tiles with business logos of community sponsors.
This is a sample of what it will look like.
Sometimes the most simple, low-tech ideas are the most heart-felt for people who really yearn for transformation.
Question: How is an Octopus made?
Answer: If you’re a Victor 3rd grader, 8 Legs at a time!
A big THANK YOU to the students involved in the Aquarium Gallery Display at the Holter Art Museum in Helena. The art show is up for the month of May. Students involved were lower elementary and Victor High School Art Classes (about 75 total). We’ve already gotten positive feedback from the staff and patrons at the Holter Museum, where the Aquarium Gallery is visible from the inside and the outside and is lit up at night. Now your work can be admired near and far!
From the Counseling Office:
Coming Thursday to Ethos: A Guest Speaker from Boy Scouts talking about the new after school career program that incorporates real world experiences.
Students taking MTDA courses, plan on taking your finals on May 17th with Mrs. Martin if your final requires a proctor. Please schedule times with Mrs. Martin soon. You will usually need 2 hours for the exams.
8th graders: I need to pay The Hub half of the total cost, so I need you to bring me money in soon!
-Ms. Tintzman
The 4th Grade Farm Fair is this Friday at the Fairgrounds. If you signed up to attend, you need to get yourself to the Hamilton Fairgrounds by 8:00 am. If transportation is a problem let me know, otherwise I will assume you can get yourself there.
-Ms. Tintzman
Remember the PIRATE CODE:
Be Respectful of the people in your life.
Be Responsible for your own messes and successes.
Be Ready to create the life you envision!
From the galley:
Hot Dog
Potato Chips
Cucumber slices
Tropical Fruit
Taco Salad
Salsa, Cherry Tomatoes,
Mandarin Oranges,
Salad Bar
Tomato Soup, Cheesy Breadstick, Celery Sticks, Applesauce,
Salad Bar
Biscuit & Gravy, Corn, Peaches, Cookie
Here’s a transformative dance!
This Week in Victor:
Tuesday 3
- 7th grade career fair in Hamilton 8:30-11
- HS Play 7PM
Wednesday 4
- HS Play 7PM
Thursday 5
- JV Meet @ Corvallis 4PM. Bus leaves at 2:30 Yellow
- Mid Term
Friday 6
- MS Track at Superior TBA
- State Music Festival
Saturday 7
- HS Track. Seeley Meet at Big Sky 10AM. Bus leaves at 8AM. Yellow
- State Music Festival
The following people have library books that were due in SEPTEMBER:
Jayce Hunter D. Logan Azia D.J.
The following people have library books that were due in OCTOBER:
David Sadie Jack
Ashley R. Taylor S. Sam
If you are interested in running for Student Council for next year, please please please come see Ms. Arechaga!!!!!!!! Applications are ready to be picked up and filled out. They are due! RUN FOR STUDENT COUNCIL!
Middle School Student Council meeting at lunch Thursday in Mr. Arvish’s room.
Other announcements: Because all juniors were present during the ACT’s and there is no need for make ups, all juniors may be dismissed 5 minutes early for lunch today! Great job, juniors!
Exit music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CisPSigqfls
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