Wednesday May 4th, 2016 (May the Force Be With You)!
Here’s a TED Talk about Wonder in our world...
Nez Perce Warrior
Chief Ollokot “Little Frog”
Question: Did the Nez Perce live in the Bitterroot?
Answer: No, but they were familiar with the area. Non-Treaty Nez Perce traveled through here while being pursued by the U. S. Army back in 1877. Some of our place names honor that famous chase, including Fort Fizzle in Lolo, Chief Joseph Pass, Gibbon Road and the Big Hole National Battlefield. 5th graders! When you visit the battlefield later on this month, bring bug spray!
Here is some artwork done by our wonderful 7th grade and High School students.
It will all go on display at the Ravalli County Museum, starting May 5th through mid-August. The museum invited us to collaborate for their brand new Nez Perce Trail exhibit.
A big THANK YOU to the students involved!
One of our WONDERful students helped create this:
From the Counseling Office:
Congratulations to Ashley Smart who was chosen to go to the Rotary Leadership Camp this summer.
Students taking MTDA courses, plan on taking your finals on May 17th with Mrs. Martin if your final requires a proctor. Please schedule times with Mrs. Martin soon. You will usually need 2 hours for the exams.
FFA chapter meeting on Thursday right after school. It is very important to be there to help plan the Banquet, Farm Fair, and the Farmers Market. Many of you are getting awards also we will be talking about weigh in for hog, sheep and goat.
FFA Officer meeting thursday at lunch!!!
It’s also Windu Wednesday...
Remember the PIRATE CODE:
Be Respectful of the FORCE.
Be Responsible for your light saber.
Be Ready to do or do not--there is no try.
From the galley:
Hot Dog
Potato Chips
Cucumber slices
Tropical Fruit
Taco Salad
Salsa, Cherry Tomatoes,
Mandarin Oranges,
Salad Bar
Tomato Soup, Cheesy Breadstick, Celery Sticks, Applesauce,
Salad Bar
Biscuit & Gravy, Corn, Peaches, Cookie
This Week in Victor:
Wednesday 4
- HS Play 7PM
Thursday 5
- JV Meet @ Corvallis 4PM. Bus leaves at 2:30 Yellow
- Mid Term
Friday 6
- MS Track at Superior TBA
- State Music Festival
Saturday 7
- HS Track. Seeley Meet at Big Sky 10AM. Bus leaves at 8AM. Yellow
- State Music Festival
The following people have OVERDUE library books.
Jayce Hunter D. Logan Azia D.J.
David Sadie Jack
Ashley R. Taylor S. Sam
If you are interested in running for Student Council for next year, please please please come see Ms. Arechaga!!!!!!!! Applications are ready to be picked up and filled out. They are due! RUN FOR STUDENT COUNCIL!
ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS and STAFF: It’s almost time for the Special Olympics State Games. Let’s support the Victor Special Olympians at the Opening Ceremonies on May 18th. Please sign up to take a bus as FANS IN THE STANDS. We will leave about 3:30, stop for dinner at McDonalds and head to the games. We will return about 8 p.m. We did this last year and it was a great time. Cost is $3.00 per person for the bus. You will need to bring money for dinner. Please sign up with Melody Lindsay in the YEP office. If you cannot afford the $3.00 but would like to go, please sign up anyway.
Exit music:
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