Money Monday!
Tonsil Stones
Video #1
Video #2
Video #3
It will all go on display at the Ravalli County Museum, starting May 5th through mid-August. The museum invited us to collaborate for their brand new
Nez Perce Trail exhibit.
Nez Perce Trail exhibit.
A big THANK YOU to the students involved!
One of our WONDERful students helped create this:
From the Counseling Office:
Congratulations to the Students of the Month for May/June
Kali Kottke, Demetri Beck, Jordi Bowcutt, Shon Garvey, Nora Goodwin, Alyssa Hopper, Julia Lambertus, Ellie Madrigal, Logan McKinley, Elias Noriega, Steven Scheffer, Conner Wilson, Alyssa Saville, Gracie Smith, Rowen Tracy, Daven Woodard,Alexis Scichilone (Alexis was nominated twice)
*The certificates will be awarded in the classroom by the teacher who nominated the student
Great students are hard to come by and we are fortunate to have excellent students at Victor Schools!
FFA remember that your officer applications are due on WED. I highly recommend that if you have even a small desire to be an officer that you apply. The application process is a great experience!
Officer interviews will be Monday May 16th at 4:45.
FFA banquet will be on May 19th @ 5:30 pm. A free dinner of burgers and hot dogs along with all of the students who participated in FFA this year getting recognized. Also if you have an FFA jacket that is borrowed from the chapter I need it back ASAP. (I might give it back to you but all of my jackets are missing)
Remember the PIRATE CODE:
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Ready
From the galley:
Fish Sticks,
Potato Smiles,
Chili Haystacks,
Orange Wedges
Salad Bar
Sausage Pizza,
Salad Bar
Chicken Gravy Over Rice,
Dinner Roll,
Jello W/Fruit
This Week in Victor:
Monday 9
- Smarter Balanced Testing
Tuesday 10
- Smarter Balanced Testing
Wednesday 11
- Smarter Balanced Testing
Thursday 12
- MS Track Hamilton Meet @ Corvallis 9AM. Bus leaves at 8AM Yellow
- Academic Fair 5-8pm
- Smarter Balanced Testing
Friday 13
- HS Track Districts @ Big Sky.
Saturday 14
- HS Track Districts @ Big Sky.
The following people have OVERDUE library books.
Jayce Hunter D. Logan Azia D.J.
David Sadie Jack
Ashley R. Taylor S. Sam
If you are interested in running for Student Council for next year, please please please come see Ms. Arechaga!!!!!!!! Applications are ready to be picked up and filled out. They are due! RUN FOR STUDENT COUNCIL!
ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS and STAFF: It’s almost time for the Special Olympics State Games. Let’s support the Victor Special Olympians at the Opening Ceremonies on May 18th. Please sign up to take a bus as FANS IN THE STANDS. We will leave about 3:30, stop for dinner at McDonalds and head to the games. We will return about 8 p.m. We did this last year and it was a great time. Cost is $3.00 per person for the bus. You will need to bring money for dinner. Please sign up with Melody Lindsay in the YEP office. If you cannot afford the $3.00 but would like to go, please sign up anyway.
Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital is offering BABYSITTER BOOT CAMP, Monday, June 20 through Friday, June 24, 2016, 9am-noon. Ages 11-13. Cost $40. For more information or to register call 374-4654.
Other Announcements?
Other Announcements?
Exit music:
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