Entrance music:
Good morning Pirates-
Today is Wednesday, May 10th, 2017
Wonder Wednesday
Here’s something to WONDER about. This image made in 1875 satirises the craze that the Georgian upper-classes had for 'Learned Pigs', or pigs that had been trained to answer questions, do sums and sometimes even 'read ladies' minds' by arranging lettered cards with their mouths.
Okay, let’s change this up...this next section is brought to you by
This Week’s Theme is:
Creativity and Curiosity/Sense of Adventure
You may be curious about an earlier version of Wonder Woman…
1941 marks the first appearance of this character also known as Diana Prince. She was a founding member of the Justice Society….
...as well as the Justice League
Show of hands, please. Which Wonder Woman do you think is more wonderful?
Speaking of Wonder Women, don’t forget to honor the wonderful women in your life on Mother’s Day this week-end!
Gulman. $45. Any Questions?
From The Galley:
Beef Enchiladas,
Refried Beans,
Salsa, Pears,
-Salad bar-
Fish Sticks,
Potato Smiles,
Carrot Sticks,
This Week In Victor:
Wednesday 10
- BPA Nationals
- SMARTER BALANCED 6th-8th grades
Thursday 11
- MS Track @ Corvallis 9AM. Bus leaves at 8AM. Yellow (Pizza Hut To Follow Track Meet)
- HS PE Field Trip to Currents. 9:35
- BPA Nationals
- SMARTER BALANCED 6th-8th grades
Friday 12
- District Track @ Frenchtown 12:00. Bus leaves at 9:45. Coach
- BPA Nationals
Saturday 13
- District Track @ Frenchtown 10:00. Bus leaves at 7:45. Coach
- BPA Nationals
Counseling Office News: Summer School Applications are here, there is a limit on how many they will take so apply early if you plan to go.
Local job announcement: Local couple needs a teen to do odd jobs about 4-8 hours a week. $10.00 per hour. Call Jim McCormick at 240-1010 to apply for the job.
BPA Members- Are you interested in being a BPA officer next year? Send Mrs. Wildey an email and she will schedule an interview with the BPA officers next week.
The 8th grade class is selling homemade Bath Salts and Sugar Scrubs for Mother’s Day (or other) gifts. ***Please see an 8th grader
$4/salt; $5/sugar; or $8 for both
Other Announcements???????????
Monday june 12-Friday June 16 9am-12 for 1 week. For ages 11-13. Cost is $40.00, call Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital at 375-4654 to register.
Corvallis Physical Therapy Speed and Agility Camp for grades 6-12. June 19-July 26 12 sessions. Mondays/Wednesdays 8am-12, 1 hour sessions. Camp will be held at the Corvallis High School Track. Cost is $100. Forms at the front office.
FFA News:
- Officer Interviews will be Monday May 15th at 4:45. Please wear OD and be ready for your interview.
- Hog Weigh In is on Tuesday May 16th. You need to bring your animals with you this year. Please make sure you get the paperwork from Ms.Tintzman today! If your hog needs a ride to the fairground please let me know!
- Greenhouse is open for business. If you want to purchase flowers for your mom come find me at any point today or tomorrow. We will also be at the Farmers Market this Saturday.
- FFA Banquet is Thursday May 18th. If you have been involved in the FFA chapter this year you will be getting recognized. Please make sure you are there.
- FFA meeting during High School lunch to discuss banquet planning and sponsorships. This meeting is for all FFA members.
Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Exit Music:
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