Entrance music:
Good morning Pirates-
Today is Tuesday, May 9th, 2017
Transformation Tuesday
This Week’s Theme is:
Creativity and Curiosity/Sense of Adventure
Gulman. $45. Any Questions?
From The Galley:
Chicken Rice Soup, crackers,
Celery Sticks, Cherry Pudding
-Salad bar-
Beef Enchiladas,
Refried Beans,
Salsa, Pears,
-Salad bar-
Fish Sticks,
Potato Smiles,
Carrot Sticks,
This Week In Victor:
Tuesday 9
- School Board Meeting 7PM
- BPA Nationals
- SMARTER BALANCED 6th-8th grades
- Open gym 5-7
Wednesday 10
- BPA Nationals
- SMARTER BALANCED 6th-8th grades
Thursday 11
- MS Track @ Corvallis 9AM. Bus leaves at 8AM. Yellow (Pizza Hut To Follow Track Meet)
- HS PE Field Trip to Currents. 9:35
- BPA Nationals
- SMARTER BALANCED 6th-8th grades
Friday 12
- District Track @ Frenchtown 12:00. Bus leaves at 9:45. Coach
- BPA Nationals
Saturday 13
- District Track @ Frenchtown 10:00. Bus leaves at 7:45. Coach
- BPA Nationals
Counseling Office News:
BPA Members- Are you interested in being a BPA officer next year? Send Mrs. Wildey an email and she will schedule an interview with the BPA officers next week.
The 8th grade class is selling homemade Bath Salts and Sugar Scrubs for Mother’s Day (or other) gifts. ***Please see an 8th grader
$4/salt; $5/sugar; or $8 for both
Other Announcements???????????
Monday june 12-Friday June 16 9am-12 for 1 week. For ages 11-13. Cost is $40.00, call Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital at 375-4654 to register.
Corvallis Physical Therapy Speed and Agility Camp for grades 6-12. June 19-July 26 12 sessions. Mondays/Wednesdays 8am-12, 1 hour sessions. Camp will be held at the Corvallis High School Track. Cost is $100. Forms at the front office.
After the pledge, please be seated.
The 8th grade needs to get breakfast before SMARTER BALANCED testing, and will be dismissed first.
Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Exit Music:
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