Entrance music:
Good morning Pirates-
Today is Monday, May 8th, 2017
Money Monday
Isn’t that strange?
Speaking of lots of money, this happened over the week-end:
This Week’s Theme is:
Creativity and Curiosity/Sense of Adventure
Two high-powered artists from China were featured at the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics opening ceremony; the rebel artist, Ai Weiwei, who teamed up with builders and architects to design the “Bird’s Nest”, or Beijing National Stadium, and Cai Guo-Qiang, who designed the opening fireworks display. The stadium will be used again for the Olympics in 2022, but let's focus on Cai, who is at the top of his game on a giant scale.
Here are twenty Chinese inventions:
Ancient Chinese Inventions
2. Movable Type
960-1279 AD
3. Gunpowder
1000 A.D
Gunpowder was invented by Chinese Taoist alchemists
about 1000 A.D. when they tried to find a potion to gain
human immortality
by mixing elemental sulfur, charcoal,
and saltpeter.
It is generally believed that gunpowder spread
to Europe during the Mongol expansion of 1200
1300 A.D..
The interesting fact is that Chinese used this discovery
mainly for firecrackers while Europeans created cannons
and guns and dominated China in the mid-1800s.
4. Compass
1100 A.D.
5. Alcohol
2000 BC
9. Umbrella
1,700 years ago
10. Acupuncture
2300 years ago
11. Iron smelting
1050 BC-256 BC
12. Porcelain
581-618 AD
13. Earthquake Detector
132 A D
14. Rocket
228 A. D.
15. Bronze
1700 B.C.
The Kite
3,000 years ago
17. The Seed Drill
3500 years ago
18. Row Crop Farming
6 Century BC
19. Toothbrush
1498 in China
20. Paper Money
9th century A.D.
From The Galley:
Pickle Spear
Orange Wedges
Chicken Rice Soup, crackers,
Celery Sticks, Cherry Pudding
-Salad bar-
Beef Enchiladas,
Refried Beans,
Salsa, Pears,
-Salad bar-
Fish Sticks,
Potato Smiles,
Carrot Sticks,
This Week In Victor:
Monday 8
- 7th Grade Field Trip to Bass Creek 8:30
- Seniors paint the "V" 1:10
Tuesday 9
- School Board Meeting 7PM
- BPA Nationals
Wednesday 10
- BPA Nationals
Thursday 11
- MS Track @ Corvallis 9AM. Bus leaves at 8AM. Yellow (Pizza Hut To Follow Track Meet)
- HS PE Field Trip to Currents. 9:35
- BPA Nationals
Friday 12
- District Track @ Frenchtown 12:00. Bus leaves at 9:45. Coach
- BPA Nationals
Saturday 13
- District Track @ Frenchtown 10:00. Bus leaves at 7:45. Coach
- BPA Nationals
Counseling Office News: Congratulations to the MS/HS Students of the Month for May/June: Connor Lyman, Ian Brown, Carson Varner, Ikaika Carlos, Canyon Parks, Elias Noriega, Isaiah Williams, Kylee Bennett, Chloe Bercier-Stanley, Logan Mckinley, Autumn Garrard, Caleb Rosen, and Jacob Potter
BPA Members- Are you interested in being a BPA officer next year? Stop by Mrs. Wildey’s room to add your name to the list.
Rowen, Sophie and Ellie are headed to Orlando Florida for BPA Nationals tomorrow. Rowen and Sophie will compete in Computer Animation Team and Ellie will take the Desktop Publishing test. Wish them luck in their competitions!
The 8th grade class is selling homemade Bath Salts and Sugar Scrubs for Mother’s Day (or other) gifts. ***Please see an 8th grader
$4/salt; $5/sugar; or $8 for both
FFA News: If you did not turn in your officer Application yet make sure to do so today!!!!
Congrats to all the students that competed at CDE days in Big Timber. All students worked hard and placed well. A big congrats to our market plan team that won state and will be going to compete at Nationals in October. Let's give Rowen, Alexis and Gracie a round of applause.
Other Announcements???????????
Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Exit Music:
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