Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Welcome Back!!!!

Everyone returned for day two???

Thanks for being so involved in the training yesterday!  You all are a great staff and I sincerely hope you all realize what great colleagues you have and, also, what a wonderful opportunity it is to work in Victor!

Here's a video that kind of sums up how I feel about the way Great Teachers should be treated:



We opted out.
Smarter Balance.
No results until November

We are working on Active Engagement this year.

Fun & Excitement

Enjoying what you are doing whether at school, work, or play.

Curiosity & Creativity

Asking "Why?" and "Why not?" about the world around you.

Spirit of Adventure

Being excited to try new things, even if you don't know that you will excel.

Fun & Excitement

The Condition of Fun & Excitement is characterized by students being inspired. They are actively engaged and emotionally involved in their schoolwork. Students who exhibit Fun & Excitement are usually self-confident, curious, and prepared; they are willing to meet the challenges of the day. Teachers who foster Fun & Excitement provide new opportunities, initiate challenges, and respect individual interests. The first three Conditions -- Belonging, Heroes, and Sense of Accomplishment -- help establish a learning environment in which students can feel safe to have fun together in learning.

I enjoy being at school. 
Teachers enjoy working with students. 
Teachers make school an exciting place to learn. 
School is boring. 
I enjoy participating in my classes. 
Teachers have fun at school. 
Learning can be fun. 

Curiosity & Creativity

The Condition of Curiosity & Creativity is characterized by inquisitiveness, a strong desire to learn new or interesting things, and an eagerness to satisfy the mind with new discoveries. Curiosity triggers students to ask "Why?" while creativity gives them the initiative to ask "Why not?" The intensity of Curiosity & Creativity tends to diminish over time due to the habituating effects of the environment.  Teachers can devote extra attention to creating a classroom environment that promotes questioning and creative exploration in order to maintain student motivation.

I feel comfortable asking questions in class. 
My teachers present lessons in different ways. 
At school I am encouraged to be creative. 
I enjoy working on projects with other students. 
My classes help me understand what is happening in my everyday life.
School inspires me to learn. 
I enjoy learning new things. 
I learn new things that are interesting to me at school. 
What I learn in school will benefit my future. 

Spirit of Adventure

The Spirit of Adventure is characterized by a student's ability to take on positive, healthy challenges at school and home, with family and friends. Students experience the Spirit of Adventure when they tackle something new without the fear of failure or success.  Teachers can encourage and support students' Spirit of Adventure by urging them to explore new things. When teachers create an atmosphere that allows for healthy decision making and risk taking, students can become more confident and resilient. Students with the Spirit of Adventure see life as full of opportunities worth exploring for their own sake.

I like challenging assignments. 
I push myself to do better academically. 
Students are supportive of each other. 
I am afraid to try something if I think I may fail. 
Teachers help me learn from my mistakes. 
I want to do my best at school.
I am excited to tell my friends when I get good grades.

Meaningful Work:

Link Between Effort and Reward

Mr. Johnston?

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