Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Tutoring House Guidelines
Monday- Thursday 5:00-9:00                                                                Friday 8:00-12:00 
Changes in the schedule will be announced.
·         Remember, the tutoring house is open to everyone! We want it to be a safe, quiet, and friendly atmosphere. You are welcome to use the Wi-Fi and get help on assignments.
·         Those students at tutoring due to extra-curricular activity eligibility are required to bring work. You are there to bring up your grades and a teacher is there to help you. An assignment will be provided for you if you do not bring academic work. You must be actively and quietly working or your time will not count.
·         Please consider the needs of others. Disruptive students may be asked to leave.
·         All students need to stay in the main room together. Tutoring is a school activity and must be supervised.
·         Please limit yourself to one snack per tutoring session to ensure there is enough for everyone.

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